Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It's gonna be hell of a month... this march and coming april .. you're guys will be seeing me :

- being like a childish
- singing cats n dogs
- silent as a lamb
- having lots of 'holidays' * it should be avoided
- crying without a reason
- smashing the table
- so lah nyer "tidy" kalah cik YT kiter .. and doing the 'awinza's file' here and there..
-.. and so so so

this is because of the 'Nomadic' person I am... and life is not as usual as before...
with the office work need to be settled and of course keje sekolah aku yg berlambak nak mampus .. mmg kijam laa lecturer aku .. tak larat beb nak buat berlambak2 case study.. sampai ndak termuntah aku membaca and menganalisanya! uweeeeeekkkkkkkk...

but what is for sure .. it is for my own good! Best of LUCK Awin! You can do it!

Cita2 aku untuk menjadi orang yg mempunyai all of those below akan terlaksana jua.. .chayuk mesti !!! :

-Taat kepada Allah swt
-Patuh kepada parents (duniawi maupun akhirat)
-membantu org yang memerlukan pertolongan
-jauhi hasad dengki aka mempunyai hati yg busuk
- mempunyai thrillion sum of money in the bank account and of course infinite sum of pahala in my 'life book'.
- be happy always with my elfie and junior menjawin's family :-) will soon.. (tak sabar nya)
- Peace .. no war!

signing off,

DYMM Awinza


Bb Hussain said...

sabar beb..sabar..kalau rasa penat ulang alik pontian..meh tumpang rumah aku..tapi kena call la dulu kan..

be happy always with my elfie and junior menjawin's family :-) will soon.. (tak sabar nya)

waa..bo0leh tahan tak sabarnyer..huhuhu

awinsjclarke said...

ok i will call u first ahakz...

Anyway rasanya mmg dah tak sabar ada life sendiri with my lovy hubby nnti .. with lots of cutest creature that we made together along the marriage path!
